How can you easily manage your tasks, goals and career from anywhere?

Whether you’re on the brink of burnout or holding steady, use the best practices in this guide to re-assess your habits and schedule. Learn tips to help you stay productive and sane in the “new normal”.
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Whether you are new to working remotely, or you’ve been doing this for years, these best practices can empower you to create a happier and more productive work life.

Align helps to add a layer of self-accountability and discipline. It’s easy, he says, to push the daily tasks you’ve planned aside in favor of what feels like unexpected little emergencies.
“But what does that say about how you view your own work?” he wonders. “If you thought your top priorities for the week were maximally important — if you really believed they were essential — you wouldn’t allow yourself to get distracted by other tasks. Align is masterful at drawing a direct line from each employee’s daily work to the company’s largest goals. When they understand how integral their day-to-day work is, they’re more likely to stay disciplined and to hold themselves accountable.”