Align Services
Our services are built with your success in mind. It takes commitment from your entire organization to successfully accomplish your goals, let us help you get there.

Personalized Services
Align Advisors have expertise in working with hundreds of executives and teams. We can help with your unique growth path during your first 90 days, after mergers/acquisitions, during high growth years, or whatever your unique case may be. Additional services may be purchased a la carte for accounts on any package level.
After years of helping clients meet goals, increase employee happiness, and create unparalleled focus, we’ve found that every business is unique in their path. However, the end goal is fairly similar…get results!
All subscription levels have many resources available including the Align Academy, Customer Success Team Support, a Kickoff Call to get started and so much more included with the initial onboarding costs.
Technical software training for the team.
The everyday user of Align will benefit from expert training on the “how to” of Align. Although the software is very user friendly, you may find that human interaction to guide you through your account works best for your business. Great for a train-the-trainer situation, new group employee onboarding, executive team refresh and more!
Everyone learns differently, bring your advisor onsite to teach the team in person.
Your Align Advisor facilitates a full team training, adopting company-wide habits and using a system to manage growth. They’ll share best practices and tailor the session to your specific business challenges.
Learn how the software can enhance your coaching practice!
Learn the ins and out of Align or the Scaling Up Scoreboard, how best to onboard your coaching clients, and how to help them get the most out of the software to speed up their implementation of your coaching methodology.
Every company is unique in the technology they want to connect, your integration session will help identify which software in your tech stack you want to integrate, which integration works best to do so, and get you started. Additional sessions are available for purchase, talk to your Advisor!
As an Align Customer Success Advisor (CSA), we have helped hundreds of clients onboard and adopt the software to reinforce their good business habits. Although we are not coaches, we do have a unique perspective and skill set that can differentiate and level up your coaching sessions (or strategic planning sessions).
Your CSA will enhance your coaching by supporting your efforts and agenda and providing examples of implementation strategies that have worked for other clients.
A typical engagement looks something like this:
Prior to the planning day – short strategy call between coach, CSA, and CEO/leader of the client team to:
- Strategize the best way to use the Advisor during the session
- Understand the clients’ needs and expectations for the day
- Share any knowledge from previous Align kickoff call, training, and planning session experience
- Create and share a detailed plan for the session with the coach and client
During Planning:
- Eyes and Ears – As the coach, you focus on strategy, facilitation and the culture of the day. Let the Align CSA focus on:
- Answering software related questions
- Taking notes and providing implementation help for the strategy work being done
- Reviewing best practices for the rest of the quarter to execute the strategy you develop with your client
- Sharing follow-up resources to support your strategic facilitation
Use the Align Advisor as someone who can be an extra ear during your strategic planning sessions, with the knowledge of best practices in all areas of strategic planning and execution.