Cybersecurity in 2024: Why Building Cyber Resilience Matters for Your Business

Published On: June 25, 20243.1 min read

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. A recent webinar featuring cybersecurity expert Jan Thornborough shed light on the critical importance of building cyber resilience into your business strategy. Here are the key takeaways from this eye-opening presentation:

The Growing Threat of Cybercrime

Cybercrime is no longer a niche concern – it’s a global epidemic that’s growing at an alarming rate. In 2023, cybercrime cost the world economy approximately $12 trillion. By 2027, that figure is projected to skyrocket to $23.4 trillion. Even more alarmingly, a company falls victim to ransomware somewhere in the world every 11 seconds.

These statistics underscore a crucial point: cybersecurity can no longer be an afterthought. It needs to be woven into the fabric of your business strategy and operations.

Understanding Cyber Resilience

While many organizations focus on cybersecurity tools and software, Thornborough emphasized the importance of cyber resilience. This holistic approach encompasses people, processes, and technology – recognizing that all three elements must work in harmony to truly protect an organization.

Cyber resilience isn’t about preventing every possible attack (an impossible task in today’s landscape). Instead, it’s about building the capacity to quickly detect, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents with minimal disruption to your business.

Key Threats to Watch Out For

The webinar highlighted several common cyber threats that businesses need to be aware of:

  1. Sophisticated Phishing Attacks: Modern phishing attempts are incredibly convincing, often using AI to craft personalized messages that can fool even savvy users.
  2. Business Email Compromise: Attackers intercept legitimate invoices and change banking details, leading to misdirected payments.
  3. Social Engineering: Criminals use various tactics to manipulate employees into divulging sensitive information or granting system access.
  4. AI-Powered Attacks: Deepfake technology is being used to impersonate executives in video calls, leading to fraudulent fund transfers.
  5. Remote Work Vulnerabilities: The shift to remote and hybrid work has created new security challenges that many organizations are still grappling with.

Building Cyber Resilience: Key Strategies

Thornborough offered several strategies for enhancing your organization’s cyber resilience:

  1. Identify Your Crown Jewels: Understand what data and assets are most critical to your business and prioritize their protection.
  2. Implement Defense in Depth: Use multiple layers of security controls to protect your systems and data.
  3. Develop an Incident Response Plan: Have a clear, practiced plan for responding to cyber incidents before they occur.
  4. Focus on Employee Training: Regular, engaging cybersecurity training for all employees is crucial.
  5. Secure Your Supply Chain: Assess and address cybersecurity risks posed by your vendors and partners.
  6. Consider Your Risk Appetite: Align your cybersecurity investments with your overall risk tolerance and business objectives.
  7. Implement Robust Backup Systems: Use offline, immutable backups to protect against ransomware attacks.
  8. Stay Informed: Keep up with evolving threats and adjust your defenses accordingly.

The Role of Leadership in Cyber Resilience

Thornborough emphasized that cyber resilience isn’t just an IT issue – it’s a business issue that requires leadership from the top. Executives and board members need to:

  1. Understand basic cybersecurity concepts and current threats
  2. Include cyber risks in overall business risk assessments
  3. Ensure cybersecurity is considered in all strategic initiatives
  4. Foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness throughout the organization


As we navigate an increasingly digital business landscape, cyber resilience is no longer optional – it’s a critical component of business strategy. By understanding the threats, implementing comprehensive defenses, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, organizations can position themselves to thrive in the face of evolving cyber risks.

Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, it’s not a question of if you’ll be attacked, but when. The key is to be prepared, resilient, and ready to bounce back quickly when incidents occur. By making cyber resilience a priority today, you’re investing in the long-term security and success of your business.

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