Managing A More Efficient, Happier Team With Align
Creating Focus on the Right Things
The role of a manager is changing with newly available technology.
The amount of time required to track down updates from your team has been reduced by improved transparency from increased data. However, with all the newly available data, managers may find themselves sorting through more information to find what matters.
Managers who are able to effectively focus their teams and continuously measure progress will have more time freed up for addressing issues and developing overall strategy.
Especially during this time of uncertainty, managers who can create focus on their teams and gain insights quickly will lead the most productive, happiest teams.
Let’s take a look at how the tools in Align help power team success.
Structure Efficient and Empowering 1:1’s
Organize your weekly or bi-weekly 1-on-1 meeting with each direct report with Align’s Huddle features. Set a custom agenda with section headers and ask your team to fill it out prior to your 1:1 to keep the meeting short and make the most of both of your time. As an added bonus: look back at your 1:1’s that have been written down each week for annual reviews! For more info watch our video on Huddle Best Practices.
Clearly Define Success
Using Priorities, you can create 3-5 goals with each team member and talk about the progress in your 1:1. Visualize “Priorities” inside your 1:1 to identify challenges (and solutions) early! Instead of waiting for performance reviews to share feedback, employees always know where they stand. Their success is clearly defined with SMART Priorities and visible for full accountability. Learn more with our How to create and edit Priorities Playlist.
Empower your team
You’ve hired smart people, give them the knowledge to make informed, aligned decisions with the transparency of Align. Align Team Features helps you plan your teams goals, track important metrics, and achieve long-term vision.
Using Teams in Align allows you to:
- Explain to every team member how their Priorities roll up and highlight how important their role is in the company.
- Set a Team One Page Plan with a vision and Critical Numbers so every team member knows where they’re trying to go
- Course correct with Daily Huddles. Listen to what they are focused on that day and make sure they are heading in the right direction.
- Visualize your team’s productivity clearly on your Dashboard to encourage small, daily course corrections, which are easier and more productive than large, infrequent ones.
Keep Your Team Happy
The eNPS poll provides invaluable insight into the heartbeat of the organization. Team member’s feedback, paired with a system to manage it, allows you to identify possible obstacles and take advantage of opportunities that improve the environment and the organization overall. Especially while working remotely or in different locations, this consistent measure of employee engagement helps you monitor a key input to productivity: happiness!
To learn more about how Align’s tools can align and empower your team, talk to an Align Advisor today!