Webinar Recap – The Gift of Culture: People & Profits Prioritized with 9 Deeds in 90 Days

Published On: February 11, 20223.8 min read

According to Will Scott, author of The Culture Fix and keynote speaker for Align’s February 2022 webinar, there is nothing more important to business success than establishing and maintaining an excellent culture. Will’s thorough presentation dove into the creative ways that top business leaders run their teams with a culture-themed mentality and create a space where team members thrive. Culture is especially important now more than ever with so many businesses facing retention challenges amid the COVID pandemic.

All organizations must have some kind of culture, whether written or unwritten. Based on Will’s bestselling book, The Culture Fix covers “Everything you need to bring cultures Alive, make them Thrive, and use them to Drive performance.”

The methodologies enforced in The Culture Fix reflect the knowledge that when employees feel valuable and involved in the company, the team operates as a united front and the business performs better. Will recalls a noticeable improvement in his team’s communication and execution strategies when he began incorporating tools to enhance the culture. His team members began to feel comfortable as leaders and gained the confidence to lead initiatives for the business.


Will delves into the meaning of “Alive” as the discovery phase of the Alive, Thrive, and Drive process. Engagement of all team members is a key component. It’s beneficial to utilize tools and resources to help you grasp a better understanding of the pulse of your organization and effectively communicate your vision. One proven way to pulse-check your team is through the Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS).

Even though employee engagement is essential to business success, two-thirds of employees are actively disengaged at work. One way to engage your team is with anonymous surveys designed to rank your company culture, also known as your Employer Net Promoter Score. The eNPS tool is useful for getting valuable feedback in front of the leadership team so they can understand everyone’s satisfaction levels and address any negative ratings. Making the surveys anonymous allows employees to comfortably give their honest opinions, ultimately for the good of the company.

The eNPS tool is one of the most popular features used by Align customers in the software. Most businesses fail to include all employees in company-wide feedback and only seek comments from their leadership team members, but the eNPS tool provides a way for all employees to give essential feedback, increasing employee engagement across the board.


Thrive is focused on ensuring your employees recall your core values which should be based on your core purpose. You might be surprised to learn that most employees cannot name their companies’ core values. Will focuses on the importance of visual appeal in communicating a vision and upholding your values to your employees.

Think about answering the question: What would it take to make this culture thrive?

 One way is to create a Core Chart, of which Will provides several examples. Your core chart should be rooted into each team member and reinforce answers to questions like: What are we trying to do? For whom? When? Why?

As your foundation, culture is everything. The key to making your employees thrive is to create a booming atmosphere where they have limitless opportunities for growth and all the motivation they need. Try to find creative ways to enforce your core values on your employees and ensure that they understand the purpose of the work they do. This all contributes to the bigger picture of smoothly running a business that generates growth and development.


Drive unveils your execution. Once you have a definition of what you want to do, the next crucial step is determining a way to implement your vision. If you start with your NPS and eNPS scores, you will gain a solid understanding of where you should begin. You can make plans to improve the wrongs addressed in your survey results and work on improving your eNPS score over time.

Making culture count

Culture is arguably your company’s most important asset because, like a true domino effect, it plays a role in the success of several other factors. You will find that taking the time to focus on culture is worth the increased productivity, accountability, and functionality that inevitably come with it. All companies struggle with culture issues, and even companies that have an excellent culture still have room for improvement.

If you are not yet an Align user and want to get the most out of leading your team with a culture-conscious approach, click here to schedule a demo with us.

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