C Suite and Sour EP 26

With Claudia Chan, CEO & Founder of SHE GLOBL

In this episode, we are joined by Claudia Chan, CEO & Founder of SHE GLOBL, and creator of the award-winning S.H.E. Summit.

Even the highest-performing employees are subject to real-life issues and stressors. Relationships, physical and mental health, and community all affect people’s outlooks and abilities. By embracing the various components that shape us, we can better understand ourselves as individuals and learn to leverage our strengths – both in the workplace and outside of it.

DEI is now the mainstream of company culture, but the meaning of words like “diversity” and “equity” have changed over time and become increasingly politicized. In this episode, Claudia brings us back in history by uncovering what these words really mean, how they’ve changed, and how companies can embrace DEI in a way that connects, respects, and empowers its people.

Claudia emphasizes the importance of humanity and well-being when it comes to work/life balance, high performance, and job satisfaction.

Tune into this episode if you are a CEO looking to boost your company culture and empower your people, OR if you are an individual looking to strengthen yourself in all aspects of life and your career.

Limited-Time Offer for Align Customers

Claudia’s coaching style encompasses a framework that combines four essential elements to empower individuals and organizations to lead with a sense of wholeness. The Whole-Self Power Framework includes visioning, healing, alignment, and creation as its foundation.

Align customers can get a 20% discount on any of Claudia’s programs. Email stephanie@sheglobl.com by August 30, 2023 for more information and to claim the offer.

Claudia Chan

About Claudia

As an executive coach, advisor and speaker—Claudia helps people and businesses innovate and create success built on wholeness and authenticity. Often her first step with clients is to alleviate pressure in their work-family system to create space for healthier leadership. In her 24-year entrepreneurial career, her programs have impacted over 1 million by igniting entrepreneurial and corporate changemakers to solve social issues in their communities. She is the New York Times celebrated author of This Is How We Rise,  founder of the award-winning S.H.E. Summit conference and a Champion of Innovation at UN Women. She is also a speaker with the US State Department and advisor to her S.H.E. GLOBL NETWORK of 600 thought leaders and client history of 400+ Fortune companies from ESPN, Morgan Stanley, Bacardi, PepsiCo to Audi.
Due to today’s mental health and burn-out crisis, she has launched a coaching membership called INNER CIRCLE to give more people access to her 1 on 1 coaching. Her work has been endorsed by renowned leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington, Sheryl Sandberg to Eric Yuan of Zoom. Fast Company has called her the Richard Branson of women’s platforms. Clients have called her a futurist when it comes to women and cultural issues who has an spiritual  ability to “get to know you deeply and quickly so that she can cast vision and pull you towards something higher.”