KPI Software

Align’s KPI software is your key to unlocking strategic growth. It’s more than just a tracking tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that empowers you to set, monitor, and achieve your key performance indicators (KPIs) faster. With Align, you’re not just setting goals, you’re executing them. Our software is designed to keep you hyper-focused on your KPIs, ensuring that every task and strategy is aligned with your business objectives.

Why Do I Need To Track KPIs in My Business?

Use KPIs to track your progress on goals and alignment of your team. Check out the key benefits of KPIs:

Identify Patterns

Identify & Analyze Patterns Over Time


Gauge Your company health


Enable growth

Make Decisions

Use data to make smart decisions


Perform Better

KPI Dashboards in Align

Customize your dashboards to create a clean visualization of target tracking.

  • Create measurable targets to gauge progress toward different goals

  • Get progress updates in real-time and quickly identify lagging targets

  • Tie KPIs into long-term objectives for a big-picture look at business performance

Align is not just a KPI Dashboard

Align is not just a KPI Dashboard. It’s a strategic planning and management software used by business leaders and their teams around the world.

Every team can benefit from using Align’s KPI Software!

Optimize Your KPIs

Check out our latest Free Download – Using KPIs the Right Way!

Download the Guide to Learn:

  • What is a KPI and how to choose the right ones for your business
  • Benefits of KPI tracking to strategic enablement and goal completion rate
  • How to write out effective KPIs
  • How to implement KPIs with management software

“We’re especially happy with Align‘s KPI Dashboard. This has given us everything we want to see that our CRM wasn’t just easily showing us… We’ve been able to put everything from our CRM into Align as KPIs to give us a very clean, easy view to see what everyone’s priorities, targets, etc. are.”

Eric De La Rosa, Forrest Performance Group

Discover the Power of Align: Book A Free No Obligation Personalized Consult Today

KPI Webinars

Using KPIs, Dashboards, & Forecasting to Drive Accountability

Get Started Today.

Every day you wait is a missed day of progress on your goals.