What are Huddles?

A huddle is a brief, regular meeting that brings together a team to discuss and align on their goals, priorities, and progress. 

A few best practices…scroll down for more!

  • Create an agenda and follow it. 
  • Write down your information prior to the meeting.
  • If you can’t make a huddle, read everyone’s entry so you are caught up when you’re back to work!

Rules of the Road download!
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Note: Huddles are a part of the Standard package. To upgrade to Standard, please contact your Advisor here

Get Started with Huddles

Start Simple 

Get creative

  • Use Zoom? Ask everyone to pick their favorite background to add some personality and fun!

Want additional help?

Huddle Best Practices

Set a regular schedule: Establish a regular time and place for huddles, so that team members know when and where to gather. Add in your conference link and the correct time in Align!  

Keep it short: Daily Huddles should be brief, typically lasting no more than 10-15 minutes, to ensure that they remain focused and productive. Weekly Huddles should be no more than 45-60 minutes…Who has the attention span for a longer meeting than that?!

Use an agenda: Create a simple agenda to guide the huddle and ensure that everyone stays on track. Add in links to relevant reports, dashboards, or external systems to easily access those items during the meeting. 

Define the purpose: Establish clear goals and objectives for the huddle, and communicate them to the team. This will help everyone understand the value and importance of the huddle, and stay focused on the most important topics. Add this purpose to the description of the huddle so everyone is reminded.

Start with good news: Begin the huddle by sharing positive news or achievements from the team or individual team members.

Focus on priorities: Use the huddle to discuss and align on the most important priorities for the day or week ahead. In a daily huddle, this could be your “top priority” or a few sentences in your “what’s up” section.  For your weekly, bring your priorities into the meeting and discuss progress and your commitment for the week to come that will move your priority forward. 

Encourage participation: Encourage all team members to participate and contribute, so that everyone feels valued and heard.

Be respectful: Maintain a respectful and positive tone during the huddle, even if discussing challenges or areas for improvement. Try the “start, stop, keep” method to keep the meeting productive!

Follow up on action items: Assign action items as needed, and follow up on progress during the next huddle. Use tasks or the Parking lot to keep track of those Action items.  Scroll down to see how you can do it with Who What When features!

Keep it relevant: Keep the huddle relevant to the team’s goals and objectives, and avoid getting sidetracked by unrelated topics. Ask every person to write down their update prior to the meeting.  Then when their turn comes around, read the update exactly as it is written.  Not only does this prevent rambling updates, but it also leads to a carefully curated update that is beneficial for the full team. 

Adapt and improve: Continuously assess the effectiveness of the huddle, and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it remains a valuable tool for the team. A great daily huddle can takes weeks or months to perfect.  If your huddle gets stale, try adding in an “intro song”, a “fun question” to start it off, or switch up hosts each day! 

Daily Huddles Best Practices

Article:How to Increase Strategy Execution by 60% in Just 15 Minutes Each Day

Weekly Huddles Best Practices

Priority Focused Best Practices

Who What When – Action Items

Empower your huddle and participants with this new huddle feature, designed to improve the way you create, manage, and track action items arising from your meetings. The challenge of scattered tasks and decreased productivity ends here. Our objective is to offer huddle members a dedicated space to align and manage specific tasks, ensuring better visibility, alignment with your huddle’s objectives, and timely task completion. 

Have you added Who What When to your huddle? 

Features and Benefits of Who, What, When Action Items

Action Items Overview: This feature will give you a consolidated view of all the action items linked to your huddle.

Filters and Grouping: Filter these by person, show completed items, group by due date, or owner. The ‘Added Today’ filter is under development and will be available in the next release.

Easy Addition and Modification: You can add a new task by clicking on the ‘Add Task’ button. If you need to make changes to a task, you can do so through in-line editing directly in the huddle interface.

Individual UpdatesScroll down to your own section where you can add or edit your personal action items under “My Updates.”

Recap Email: Your recap emails will now include any new action items added during the huddle.

Types of Huddles

Daily Huddle: Short (15 min or less!) “standup” style meeting used to align the team on 2 questions: 

Weekly Huddle: A weekly huddle is a regular meeting that takes place once a week to bring together a team and discuss progress towards goals, review metrics, and plan for the upcoming week. 

1:1’s or 2-Weekers: A private conversation between two individuals, typically a manager and an employee, held to discuss topics of mutual interest or concern, such as performance feedback, goal setting, career development, or problem-solving.

Priority-based Huddle: Typically this huddle is focused on a company priority that is cross-departmental and vital to the company’s success. This meeting brings together anyone who has a direct child priority to ensure the most important thing will be accomplished this quarter.  

Monthly Meeting: A meeting focused on the strategic progress of the company.  This meeting usually includes everyone at the company and reviews the following topics:

Feature Highlight: Huddle Cloning

Do you have a huddle that you find yourself building over and over again?  Clone it!

Admins can clone from

  • Individual Huddle Settings
  • Manage Huddles Page under Admin